Monique Calisti: Sitra guest blog

Martel CEO Dr Monique Calisti

Martel’s CEO Dr Monique Calisti has a guest blog up on the website of Finnish innovation agency, Sitra. Calisti’s blog “Creating an internet of humans” was written from her perspective as head of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) Outreach Office. However, it also demonstrates Monique’s personal passion and motivation for building a human-focused internet for tomorrow.

The NGI initiative is a European H2020 project. Martel has been involved with NGI since its inception in 2016. Dr Calisti’s blog talks about the 30-year anniversary of the invention of the World Wide Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Switzerland. Coincidentally, Monique also visited CERN in 1989, as a high school student.

“That trip to CERN set me on a path for my professional future: one where I’d go on to become an electrical engineer first, then a researcher who gained two PhDs,” she writes.

“Fast forward some 20 years and I’m still fully immersed in a fascinating research and technology-driven journey, at work with my team at Martel Innovate all committed to an important mission: making innovation happen. Innovation that aims at restructuring and transforming what the internet has become in these 30 years into a better place, a place that is open, secure and inclusive,” she says.

The Next Generation Internet (NGI)

The human-centred internet is a topic close to Monique Calisti’s heart. She gave a recent TedX talk “When humans do it better” . There’s the work with the NGI initiative, and Martel’s citizen-centric products such as the Orchestra Cities platform. All of which makes her, and Martel, uniquely qualified in this area.

If you’d like to work with Monique Calisti to help create an internet of humans, or you need help shaping and getting funding for your digital innovation ideas, get in touch with us today:

Read Monique Calisti’s full blog at Sitra: