Martel leads new 6G4Society project: Balancing technological advancements and societal well-being in the 6G Era

With the promise of unprecedented speed, connectivity, and transformative capabilities, the development of 6G technology has become a focal point for researchers, engineers, and industry leaders. Amidst this fervor, Martel Innovate proudly takes the reins in coordinating a groundbreaking Horizon Europe Coordination and Supporting Action, 6G4Society. 

Launched in January 2024, the 6G4Society project represents a critical milestone in the journey towards 6G technology. At its core, the project seeks to navigate the delicate balance between advancing technological capabilities and safeguarding societal well-being. This acknowledgement of the intrinsic tension between progress and the social fabric sets 6G4Society apart as a forward-thinking initiative. 

Recognizing that the impact of 6G technology extends far beyond industry boundaries, the project aims to engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders and work in close collaboration with the Smart Networks and Services (SNS) ecosystem. This encompasses not only industry players but also civil society, regulators, policy makers, media, and the general public. 

By involving diverse stakeholders, the project endeavors to ensure transparency and disseminate accurate information about the expected impacts of 6G technology.  

Martel Innovate confirms its leadership position within the SNS-JU ecosystem, of which it has been a part of since its inception. With this unique opportunity to lead the consortium, Martel Innovate highlights its commitment to shaping the future of telecommunications with a keen eye on societal well-being and aims to facilitate the development of Key Value Indicators (KVIs) that will serve as benchmarks for evaluating the societal impact of 6G technology. Drawing from the lessons learned during the rollout of 5G, the emphasis is on adopting a sustainability-by-design approach.  

The consortium boasts a diverse set of skills and competencies, ranging from Social Sciences and Humanities (Cyber Ethics Lab, PSCE) to technology (NOVA, eBOS), community engagement and communication (Digital for Planet) and networking coordination and management with Martel Innovate. This diversity ensures a holistic approach to the multifaceted challenges of 6G technology development.