Martel launches seven new H2020 projects

Martel launches seven new H2020 projects

Martel launches seven new H-2020 projects on 5G, Smart Supply Chains, Media Start-ups, Cybersecurity and IoT acceleration and architecture

Martel is proud to announce the launch of seven new ICT H2020 projects in September and October 2020 in the areas of 5G, smart supply chain management, media start-ups, Cybersecurity and IoT acceleration and architecture.

We’re working in collaboration with businesses, academia, researchers and innovators across Europe and beyond, consolidating knowledge and expertise to exploit even more opportunities for trust-based ICT. Martel’s unrivalled success rate at winning European Commission (EC) bids is a staggering 30 percent – far exceeding the average, against stiff competition for EC H2020 innovation financing.

“Technology is evolving at an incremental speed and at Martel, we’re responding with high quality projects combining innovation and expertise to drive advances across the key areas of ICT development for a strong European Digital Single Market,” says Martel CEO Dr Monique Calisti.

As the action heats up for Martel this autumn and winter, it’s all systems go. All aboard this exciting adventure for sustainable digital transformation!



5G-Blueprint will design and validate a technical architecture, business and governance model for uninterrupted cross-border tele-operated transport based on 5G connectivity. The project’s outcome will be the blueprint for operational pan-European deployment of teleoperated transport solutions in the logistics sector and beyond. The project brings together an impressive consortium at work for next generation connectivity for enhanced, safe, and efficient transport and logistics.

Martel leads the Dissemination and Communication of the project, playing a prominent role in community-building and coordination with relevant 5G projects and initiatives (including 5G PPP) and supporting project management.

Follow us on Twitter: @5G_Blueprint



Affordable5G will create a 5G network to deliver a complete and affordable solution covering the needs of private and enterprise networks through technical innovation across all parts of the 5G network.

The innovative solution will be evaluated and validated in two vertical pilots related to emergency communications and smart cities. Martel Media leads the project’s Dissemination and Communication, while Martel Lab will explore relevant enhancements to the Orchestra Cities IoT platform with the adoption of 5G MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) advanced solutions.

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The goal of ASSURED is to develop a certifiable system that is capable of providing real-time supervision and verification of complex Shipment Optimization Systems-enabled supply chains functional safety and operational assurance by exploiting advances in remote attestation, runtime verification, and Blockchain-based technologies for enhanced (operational, threat intelligence and attestation evidence) data sharing. Martel Media  leads the dissemination and communication while Martel Consulting supports the project’s coordination and the innovation management.

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STADIEM will boost the opportunities and foster the success of European media start-ups by the creation and deployment of cross border, innovation to market start-up growth, development and piloting programme between start-ups, innovation hubs and other actors. STADIEM aims to solve three key challenges in the European media sector: cross border scalability, start-up corporation for market tech transfer, and availability of innovative media services in a Digital Single Market framework.

STADIEM intends to break barriers in Europe, fostering stronger visibility and opportunities for start-ups active in the media industry. The main approach is to create a powerful network of media sandboxes and accelerators that foster the development and scale-up of future media solutions, with a focus on the integration of emerging technologies such as 5G, Cloud, IoT, VR, AR and beyond, smart objects, wearables, data analytics and AI.

Martel Media will be in charge of the overall communication and dissemination activities, promoting the project’s outcomes and engaging stakeholders in adoption of the STADIEM concepts and technologies, especially in the Next Generation Internet domain. Martel Consulting will support the Open Calls’ implementation process.

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KITT4SME will make ready-to-use customised digital packages available to small businesses (SMEs) to embrace artificial intelligence (AI) opportunities at affordable prices. It will seamlessly fuse AI and human problem-solving expertise into a single digital brain with unprecedented shop floor orchestration capabilities, to build a Competence Development Centre. Its goal is to advance the European workforce in line with digital skills trends and workers’ aspirations. The project will extend the offer of local ecosystems so that players with different competencies can thrive while collaborating in the creation of customisable AI kits. Planned activities will also support standardisation in the fields of sovereign data economy and the characterisation of workers’ skills and training experiences.

Martel’s Lab, with expertise in FIWARE, is delivering key technological elements to support the implementation of the project.



EU-IoT acts as an accelerator for the whole European Internet of Things community. It aims at creating an increasingly cohesive, dynamic, participatory and sustainable ecosystem of researchers and innovators. It works to increase trust and acceptance in human-centric IoT made in Europe, that is trustworthy, secure and preserving privacy by design, as an essential part of the Next Generation Internet.

Martel Consulting team coordinates the project while the Martel Media team leads the community building and cross-programme communication activities.

Follow us on Twitter: @NGIoT4eu

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TERMINET will provide a novel next generation reference architecture based on cutting-edge technologies such as SDN, multiple-access edge computing, and virtualisation for next generation IoT. It will introduce new, intelligent IoT devices for low-latency, market-oriented use cases. Martel Consulting leads the work on next generation IoT ecosystem expansion and empowerment to attract and involve Open Call third parties in the project.

More details on all Martel projects here: