FIWARE Mexico: Enhancing FIWARE collaboration between Europe and Mexico

The FIWARE Mexico initiative aims to enhance FIWARE-driven collaboration between Europe and Mexico, based on the adoption, deployment and improvement of FIWARE in Mexico as a framework that will open up new horizons for future cooperation in the ICT domain.

  • FIWARE Mexico is establishing Working Groups to engage innovators from the industry, research communities and end users, such as Smart Cities players, in the FIWARE ecosystem.
  • In parallel, dedicated FIWARE technology’ training programmes are being implemented for developers, integrators and contributors, embracing the whole open source community, which will facilitate the adoption of FIWARE technologies and the development of applications to be commercialized in Mexico and Europe.
  • Moreover, synergies between the European and worldwide FIWARE community will be fostered via close cooperation, coordinated promotional/communication efforts and via know-how transfer about success stories and good practices guidelines for increased stakeholders’ engagement.
