NGI progress in Porto

Dr Monique Calisti, Martel's CEO, at NGI Forum 18

Dr Monique Calisti, Martel's CEO, at NGI Forum 18

The second annual Next Generation Internet Forum (NGI Forum 2018) was held in September in Porto, Portugal. Co-organised by Martel Innovate, the event built on the success of last year’s inaugural NGI Forum in Barcelona. The 2018 edition attracted more than 300 registered participants and plenty of coverage in online and social media.

The NGI Forum was moderated by HUB4NGI coordinator and Martel CEO Dr Monique Calisti who introduced a high-calibre lineup of speakers throughout the day. Speakers included the European Commission’s Pearse O’Donohue, internet pioneer Louis Pouzin, AI expert Prof Virginia Dignum, smart cities researcher Prof Susana Sargento and the Internet Society’s Frederic Donck.

Filipe Araujo, Porto’s vice-mayor and city councillor for innovation and environment, was also on stage. He set the scene for next generation internet in action by outlining Porto’s smart city implementations in the areas of smart transport systems, traffic control and waste management.

Dr Calisti was assisted by a dedicated team of “Martellians in Action” who helped put together the programme, organise the speakers, set up and publicise the event, as well as providing support throughout the day. On the whole, the NGI Forum 2018  was engaging and enjoyable, providing an excellent opportunity for the NGI community to meet, talk, make connections and strengthen ties. It was the epitome of putting the human in the centre as we build and develop the internet of tomorrow.

“This is our event, because we all together are the Internet of Humans,” Calisti said.

Martel's Timo Lahnalampi introduces the demo stands at NGI Forum 2018


Download a full report on the event.  View photos, videos, speaker bios and presentations at

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HUB4NGI is the first Coordination and Support Action dedicated to transforming the Next Generation Internet initiative into an increasingly dynamic, collaborative, vibrant and participatory Research and Innovation Ecosystem. The programme receives H2020 funding from the EU.