Growing the Next Generation Internet reach in Malta

DA17EU115-16 June, Valletta, Malta. Martel will be attending the Digital Assembly 2017 in Valletta, Malta, reaffirming its commitment to the implementation of the Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy. Martel has been an active player in the DSM since its launch, through a number of H2020 projects and lately through its strong involvement in the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative.

As a key component of Europe’s development planning, the DSM strategy is designed to expand the available digital opportunities, and to enhance Europe’s position as a world leader in the digital economy. The DSM will ensure that the digital ecosystem within Europe reflects the free movement of talent, services and capital currently enjoyed across the EU.

In late 2016, the European Commission launched the Next Generation Internet programme, aiming to develop a more human-centric Internet supporting European values of openness, cooperation across borders, decentralisation, inclusiveness, transparency and protection of privacy. The goal of the NGI is to become a long-term, established initiative that both focuses on ensuring diversity, pluralism and a right to choose as well as promoting innovation through advances in technology areas like block chains, trust,  artificial intelligence, new Internet architectures, as well as discovery and identification tools. 

valletta-1254140_960_720Martel’s coordination and leadership of the HUB4NGI project within the NGI initiative is key to this ambition. Led by Dr Monique Calisti, Partner and Executive Director of Martel Innovate, is the first coordination and support action aiming to transform the NGI initiative into a vibrant, collaborative, and participatory research and innovation ecosystem.


“Participation to the Digital Assembly is crucial to understand how the NGI ecosystem can evolve and engage an increasing number of related research and innovation players all across Europe. With every milestone we complete, we can help populating the HUB4NGI map,” said Dr Calisti, coordinator of the HUB4NGI project. “Through the NGI online map we expect to encourage and facilitate collaborations and participation to the NGI initiative.”

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